Five Scenarios In Which You’ll Need Urgent Dental Care

Tooth Pain

Any situation involving one’s teeth is considered a dental emergency and must be treated immediately. Having dental work done is not always an urgent matter. However, you should visit an emergency dentist if you have uncontrollable bleeding, severe pain that won’t go away no matter what you take, or a shattered facial bone.

Your first step in dealing with a dental emergency should be to contact the best dental clinic in Abu Dhabi for advice. If you need dental care but don’t have a dentist, you should visit the Abu Dhabi Dental Center.

Dental Emergencies include:

Extreme tooth pain

First, you should give your mouth a good rinsing with some warm water. If you have any food stuck, use toothfloss to get it out. You can reduce swelling in your mouth by placing an ice pack on the outside of your cheek or mouth. Acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen are all good options for OTC pain treatments. (Aspirin and other pain relievers can burn your gum tissue and should never be placed directly on your gums or teeth.) Get in to see the dentist right away.

Extremely broken teeth

Keep the fragments of your tooth that broke off and rinse them. Warm water is recommended for rinsing. Put some gauze on the wound and hold it there for ten minutes, or until the bleeding stops. To alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling, use an ice pack on the outside of your mouth, cheek, or lip near the broken or chipped tooth. Get in to see the dentist right away.

Tooth knocked out

Grasp the tooth by its crown (the part that protrudes above the gums) and run water over the tooth root to clean it. Do not scrape it or remove any shards of connected tissue. Put the tooth back in its socket if you can. Verify that it is oriented properly. Don’t try to jam it in there. place the tooth in a small bottle of milk (or a cup of water with a pinch of table salt if milk isn’t available) or a product containing cell growth medium, if you can’t place it back in its socket. Always schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as feasible. Replanting a tooth that has been knocked out within the hour gives your dentist the best chance of saving the tooth.

A tooth that has been extruded (or dislodged)

Go right now to the dentist. Applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth or cheek in the afflicted area will help alleviate pain until you can visit your dentist. If you’re experiencing discomfort, try taking an over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen.

Abscessed teeth

Abscesses are painful, swelling spots caused by an infection around a tooth’s root or in the pocket created by the teeth and gums. Abscesses are quite dangerous because they can destroy tissue and the teeth in the area. If you don’t get the infection under control, it might spread to other regions of your body and cause swelling in your face or jaw. A dental abscess necessitates prompt attention from a dentist. Rinsing your mouth with a mild salt-water solution (1/2 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of water) several times a day will help alleviate pain and encourage the pus to rise to the surface, so it can be properly treated.

Dental filling misplaced or cracked

Dislodging or losing an old dental restoration is a common problem. Sugar-free gum (regular gum with added sugar will induce discomfort) or dental cement can be used to temporarily repair a cavity caused by a missing or broken filling. Get in to see the dentist right away.

Make an emergency dentist appointment from Abu Dhabi Dental Center if your dental crown or bridge has been damaged and bring it with you. Restore the area if at all possible. Applying a thin layer of dental cement, toothpaste, or denture glue (all available at drugstores) to the inside surface will assist in keeping the restoration in place. Never use a “super glue”!

Traumatic damage of soft tissues

Bleeding can occur after an injury to the soft tissues, such as the tongue, cheeks, gums, or lips. Here’s what you should do to stop the bleeding:

  • Use a warm salt water solution to gently rinse your mouth.
  • You can staunch the bleeding by applying pressure with a damp gauze pad or a caffeinated tea bag. Stay still for at least 15 minutes, preferably 20. (Tannic acid, found in tea, causes vasoconstriction and coagulation, meaning it helps stop bleeding.)
  • Holding a cold compress to the outside of the mouth or cheek in the affected area for five to ten minutes has been shown to reduce bleeding and alleviate pain.
  • See a dentist or go to the emergency room if the bleeding doesn’t stop. While waiting to visit your dentist, keep applying pressure to the wound with the gauze.

A dental emergency is defined as any damage to the mouth that results in excessive bleeding, excruciating pain, or fractured facial bones. If a dental emergency is not treated immediately, it can worsen and lead to infection, loose teeth, or even tooth loss. Timeliness of care is essential. The first thing you should do if you have a dental emergency is to contact the best dental clinic in Abu Dhabi.